Continued disatisfaction with "Customer Service" at ADVANCED ACCESS

There is growing concern that Advanced Access is not a good choice for those real estate agents searching for a website provider. This is a forum for those disatisfied customers.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Customers unhappy with Advanced Access

Here's an interesting article entitled "Customer backlash against bad service - Growing gap between promised and delivered experience"
"Meet today's consumer vigilantes. Even if they're not all wielding hammers, many are arming themselves with video cameras, computer keyboards, and mobile devices to launch their own personal forms of insurrection. Frustrated by the usual fix-it options — obediently waitingon hold with Bangalore, gamely chatting online with a scripted robot — more consumers are rebelling against company-prescribed service channels. After getting nowhere with the call center, they're sending "e-mail carpet bombs" to the C-suite, cc-ing the top layer of management with their complaints. When all else fails, a plucky few are going straight to the top after uncovering direct numbers to executive customer-service teams not easily found by mere mortals."

We're upset and angry about Advanced Access, formerly an excellent product, that has been debased and destroyed by an uncaring and indifferent management.

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