Continued disatisfaction with "Customer Service" at ADVANCED ACCESS

There is growing concern that Advanced Access is not a good choice for those real estate agents searching for a website provider. This is a forum for those disatisfied customers.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Advanced Access webistes down AGAIN~

It just goes on and on.....

Today they were down again.

This in from a former employee Scott Buskirk:

I am a previous employee of AA and I can tell you what the problem is. The servers they use are out dated and they don’t want to shell out the money for anything stable.

During the 3 day outtage that started all of this they blamed the local power company for not giving them enough power. Instead of bowing their heads in disgrace and taking ownership of their lack of updated equipment, they moved their servers over to a data center and ensured you that the problem would not happen again.

How many times has it happend now?Their IT people can’t tell the difference
between their asses and a hole in the ground so how can you expect them to keep
your websites up and running? I pull reports about AA regularly for my personal
clients who still host with them and the results are scary. There is more
latency than ever which creates slow access.QuickHomes will NEVER function
correctly because in AA’s own words, it’s just not important enough on their
list of a problem to deal with. The program doesn’t work right and never will.
Here’s a little “secret” for you too. Many of the boards have dropped out of
partnerships with AA and many more continue to do so due to the complaints they
get about AA.How is that going to help YOU as a realtor?

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Could this be why Customer Service suffers?

AA is advertising for Customer Service Technicians for $12-$14 an hour.

Now this explains EVERYTHING!

Help Wanted

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Customers unhappy with Advanced Access

Here's an interesting article entitled "Customer backlash against bad service - Growing gap between promised and delivered experience"
"Meet today's consumer vigilantes. Even if they're not all wielding hammers, many are arming themselves with video cameras, computer keyboards, and mobile devices to launch their own personal forms of insurrection. Frustrated by the usual fix-it options — obediently waitingon hold with Bangalore, gamely chatting online with a scripted robot — more consumers are rebelling against company-prescribed service channels. After getting nowhere with the call center, they're sending "e-mail carpet bombs" to the C-suite, cc-ing the top layer of management with their complaints. When all else fails, a plucky few are going straight to the top after uncovering direct numbers to executive customer-service teams not easily found by mere mortals."

We're upset and angry about Advanced Access, formerly an excellent product, that has been debased and destroyed by an uncaring and indifferent management.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Not the first time Advanced Access websites have failed

Look at this string of posts from last May.

1000's of agents websites were down and Advanced Access chose to communicate with their clients via a blog on Active Rain:

Advanced Access on Active Rain