Continued disatisfaction with "Customer Service" at ADVANCED ACCESS

There is growing concern that Advanced Access is not a good choice for those real estate agents searching for a website provider. This is a forum for those disatisfied customers.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Advanced Access eliminates vast library of data and resources from AA Forums

Some idiot has gone in and deleted years and years of helpful hints, research, opinion and tech tips from the Advanced Access forums.

Since much of the information was about their old website platform 3.0, most of the information was still current and relevant.



It's almost criminal.

Who ever is responsible should be immediately FIRED!

Don't buy an Advanced Access website, you'll regret it!

1 comment:

Advanced Access said...

Hello, I am the one who reorganized the forums after much feedback from clients who complained that there were too many categories and they didn't feel comfortable posting. The data that was pre-2007 was archived, and data after that time was moved to an appropriate forum.

If you have questions about your website, please post in the forums or contact us via Live Chat and we will be happy to help.

I have personally been involved in the forums for years, and assure you that most of the data was indeed outdated.